This is a utility that keep track of projects that provides many features.
To provide an easy method of firing up the right project with the proper platform. How many times have you started a 16bit project with the 32bit compiler? This stops minor inconviences.
Allows projects to be given short and long descriptions. Nice when you have zillions for projects to contend with.
Projects can be started from any drive/directory
16 bit projects appear in a different color then 32.
Capable of altering Windows Registery settings which directly effect Delphi (coded for Delphi 3, could easily be tweaked)
Ability to view units with syntax highlights, as in the IDE Martin Waldenburg (make sure to read mwPasToRtf.pas header)
View file information using Windows property box Brad Stowers (make sure to read ItemProp.pas header)
Project files can be dropped from Explorer, which adds them to the project table (seealso wmDropFiles in Main).
Includes a help file, although "Project Manager" is simple to use.
Remembers the last project you were on when exiting the program