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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:256431 下载次数:1804  

代码说明: 另外类型的指导的不足之处 This is Yatt, which is short for Yet Another Typing Tutor. It was written during a rainy weekend to practise Delphi. You may find it not very original, there are a lot of similar and better programs around. But this one is free, source code is available and may be useful till you find a better one - or till you have written a better one. The screen is divided in three parts: a keyboard panel on top, a typer panel on bottom and a menu panel on the left. You have to type the characters on bottom in the right order, otherwise they won't be accepted and they will count as mistakes. You can choose any text file you like, just click on the book icon. When you have had enough click on the door icon


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