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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 其他代码
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:111031 下载次数:1583  

代码说明: 一个收集类,储存类和处理列表项目的集合 rjVectors is a collection of classes to store and manipulate lists of items, also called "Linear Lists" or "Containers". As such, rjVectors are similar to the TStrings or TList classes, but support a huge variety of item types. Items may be generic (Byte, Word, Integer, Cardinal, Object...) or record types AnsiString2 (2 AnsiStrings) AnsiStringInteger (1 AnsiString and 1 Integer), AnsiStringObject, Integer2 (2 Integers), AnsiString2Integer...). rjVectors provides methods to access whole items and / or the individual types of records, to rearrange, delete items based on index or value. Various sorting methods as well as reading and writing to streams / files are also available. The additional rjHashVector classes (also known as "Dictionary" or "HashTable") have an extra fast lookup mechanism to find items by name in an instant . rjVectors and rjHashVectors are designed to be easily expandable to write new vector classes for your custom record types


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