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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 图像处理
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:228584 下载次数:2972  

代码说明: The TiffPack package was developed for a purposes of convenient operating in a Delphi environment with a tiff images. From previous versions this package differs by that it can more correctly work both OS, e.g. Windows NT and Windows 95 (98). This package contains four components: the Tiff component, the DBBox component, TiffCtrl and TiffDB. All of these components use unit TiffMod which contains the definition of TTiffBitmap class. Besides this, note that DBBox present in this version only in compatibility reason, because TiffDB can perform same operation as one but more perfectly. It can be seemed that TTiff also isn't needed, but author thinks that as invisible component it can be useful in such cases when you don't need view the image or when you need operate with tiffs at a DataModule and view image at other form. 操作tiff图像的包


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