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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:19771 下载次数:1811  

代码说明: 模拟office97样式的菜单 This component emulates a windows menu using the office 97 style. In previous version there was no support for keyboard activation (ALT or F10) and for keyboard menu selection, now that's fully supported. Also in previous version the mouse over the menu bar had a wrong behavior, now that problem is also solved. Included also the little icon on the left like in Word97 if the user wants to use that feature. This component is based on TToolbar97 suite of components developed by Jordan Russell, now TToolbar97 is shareware but it used to be freeware. You can download the last version of TToolbar97 from here: http://www.jrsoftware.org/. Note=The support under delphi 3 is incomplete due to a VCL difference between D3 and D5. To have full support in D3 I'll need to do some workarounds, if someone is interested please let me know . The component was tested with TToolbar97 version 1.76a.


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