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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
Cute Editor - Check it out! This code is a simple fully functional text editor and was created with the main purpose of creating pretty forms using transparency. It is commented and should be a beggin
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:91724 下载次数:1952  

代码说明: Cute Editor - Check it out! This code is a simple fully functional text editor and was created with the main purpose of creating pretty forms using transparency. It is commented and should be a begginer->intermediate code. It can be easilly reutilized to any other application. I hope u have fun with it, if you like it, please give it a high rating =). Thanks for your time. Check the screen shot so you can c how pretty it is =). 真正功能性文本编辑器


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