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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
Drag And Drop Helpers ,These components are intended to provide an easy way to implement drag and drop of files into a Delphi application. TDnDRun: items which have been dropped on the application's i
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:4527 下载次数:1715  

代码说明: Drag And Drop Helpers ,These components are intended to provide an easy way to implement drag and drop of files into a Delphi application. TDnDRun: items which have been dropped on the application's icon on either the desktop or filemanager/explorer. TDnDForm: items dropped on a form. TDnDControl: items dropped on a control (TWinControl only). TDnDIcon: dropped on a minimized application icon. (Delphi 1 only) Each component produces the same three events: DnDStart: sent before the items dropped list is sent. DnDItem: sent for each item dropped. DnDFinish: sent when all items have been sent. By Grahame Marsh 拖放帮助器,提供一个容易的方法来执行文件的拖放


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