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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
DSAMsg Unit ,This unit provides "Don't Show Again" dialog and form services. Included is a form class that you can descend your own forms from (with design-time support for Delphi 3), routines for sho
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:78217 下载次数:1895  

代码说明: DSAMsg Unit ,This unit provides "Don't Show Again" dialog and form services. Included is a form class that you can descend your own forms from (with design-time support for Delphi 3), routines for showing standard TForm descendants, and replacement rountines for the MessageDlg function. DSA services allow the user to specify whether or not they want to see the dialog or form in the future with only minimal effort on the application programmer's part. 提供不再显示的对话框和窗体服务


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