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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:37499 下载次数:1899  

代码说明: 一个储存/释放参数的类 This is a class, TPARAMLIST named, where you can store parameters in it, and to extract back out of it. You can add multiple strings with parameters in it to the parameter list. The format of 1 string must be SDF. Eg: "param1=value1","param2"=value2". This represents one string, with 2 parameters. You can also concatenate a value of an already existing parameter. Eg: "param1+=value1" -> resulting in param1=value1value1 You can use this class to send parameters over network, by just sending strings. Like this, you can send multiple parameters in one string, and even send a parameter over multiple strings in case the length would be greater than it can send in one string


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