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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:9185 下载次数:1737  

代码说明: TCaptionButton is a small control intended to provide an easy way to achieve the behavior of Windows' standard caption buttons anywhere on your form. You can select any of the available button types (close, help, maximize, minimize, or restore). System metrics are used to set the original control size, but the buttons may be resized as desired; DrawFrameControl will scale the glyph accordingly. The ForceSystemMetrics property can be used, however, to prevent sizing of the control. The control responds to CM_WININICHANGE (essentially WM_SETTINGCHANGED), and when ForceSystemMetrics is True, the control will adjust its size to accomodate the new system metrics. 系统类型的按钮


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