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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:23582 下载次数:1363  

代码说明: TPanelButton is a button which can have multiple controls on it. It has similar functionality as TButton. The main difference is that Controls (labels, Images, Panels, Groupboxes, GlyphControls etc.) can be dropped onto the TPanelButton at design time. You can create unique custom look for your TPanelButton by dropping Panels, Labels, Images (including animated Gifs, 3D labels and Images) etc. You can even drop buttons on to create 'dancing' platform effect. At run time the TPanelButton has the same behavior as TButton (with raised and lowered visual effects). All controls will move along with the face of the TPanelButton just as a TButton's Caption does. TGlyphControl is a Graphic Control which can load glyphs and can be dropped on TPanelButton, Panel, Form etc.


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