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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
和TSpeedButton相同的按钮TXStaticButton ,和TXStatiButton 相同的按钮TXFoldButton
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:173285 下载次数:1618  

代码说明: Contains two components: TXStaticButton - A little identical to TSpeedButton except which it doesn't have the Caption, Layout and Spacing properties. It doesn't draw edge. It display the bitmap charged in its Glyph property, or if this property is empty, it becomes an active transparent zone to place at the top of Bitmap to define several hot zones for example. Supports PopUp Menus, three-state bitmaps, etc. TXFoldButton - Identical to TXStatiButton but with the possibility of unfolding itself and to fold up itself on him even by adjusting the size of his parent control (generally TPanel). When the button is folded up it's possible to hide the Parent controls and when it's unfolded to display them (like the left button of the Netscape 4.x toolbar). 和TSpeedButton相同的按钮TXStaticButton ,和TXStatiButton 相同的按钮TXFoldButton


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