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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:976 下载次数:2052  

代码说明: Implements a TToolbar descendant that has a Menu property to make creating IDE like Toolbar menus very easy 有菜单属性工具栏的派生类 12,tb97.zip Toolbar97 is a dockable toolbar component that features the Office 97 look and behavior. Some of its features include: Toolbars that can be dragged and docked to any side of a form, or be left floating. Multiple toolbars can lined up side-by-side or in rows. All source code for customization if necessary. A TToolbarButton97 control that looks and works just like the buttons in Office 97. A TEdit97 control for creating Office 97-style edit controls on toolbars. Full compatibility with Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0, and 3.51, without requiring the new COMCTL32.DLL, unlike Delphi 3's TToolBar and TCoolBa rcomponents. You are free to use Toolbar97 in compiled form for any purpose. However, use in commercial or shareware applications requires registration 和office97工具框样式相似的派生类Toolbar97


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