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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 窗体界面
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:42177 下载次数:1801  

代码说明: . XToolBar features: There can be multiple groups of buttons on each toolbar. There can be multiple toolbars on each form. There can be multiple toolbars in the same dockarea. Toolbars to be docked to the top, left, right or bottom of the form. They can also be dragged off a docking area and become free floating toolbars. Floating toolbars are not restricted to the frame area. Floating toolbars can be resized by the user. Double clicking on a toolbar toggles its state between floating and docked. Leave focus on the toolbar owner window. Toolbars and controls can be created at runtime. Just like Microsoft's. Well almost. Auto align any child control when sized. Just drag and drop (almost) any Delphi component onto XToolBar. No code to write to enable any of XToolBar's standard functions or abilities. Allows toggling visible on controls on the toolbar. Any kind of controls can be used on the toolbar. Changing their visible property is supported 工具栏的派生类XToolBar


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