[程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+
[运行平台] windows,nt
# 参数:
# @HEAD 必须。必须为新闻的第一个项目。可以多余一行。以如下的符号作为结束:
# @URL, @MSG, 或者 @END 标记
# @URL 可选。一个URL将同新闻项目联系起来。如果用鼠标点取该项,则加载URL。必须在一行内。
# @FRAME 可选。但是要先定义URL。
# @MSG 必须。正文部分,可以多行。结束符号为@END标识。
# @END 需要。表示新闻的结束。
# Unicode has not been tried within any of these, but I imagine
# it'd work.
@HEADThis is a headline.
@MSGAnd this is the message text.
# Linked text
@HEADThis is linked
@MSGThis is an example of linked text. It reloads the first page.
# Frame target
@MSGThis item uses the FRAME parameter. It'll reload the first page in this frame.
# Real news
@HEADActual News!
@MSGNote for previous users: the HrefScroller class is gone. It's
URL linking and mouse detection methods have been rolled into the
Scroller class.
# Java Boutique
@HEADJava Boutique
@MSGThis is one of my favorite places to look for applets and
Java news. They were also kind enough to judge this thing was
good enough to win a contest!
# Long headline
@HEADThis is an incredibly long headline. It's doubtful that
you would want to do this, but the capability is there.
# The End
@HEADThe End
@MSGThis is the last message. As soon as it's scrolled off,
everything starts over again.