监视 CPU 使用情况的例子
CPU Program - by Tim Warthen (tlwarth@mkg.com)
Please direct your questions, comments to
Tim Warthen
P.O. Box 517
Cadet, MO 63630
To exit or end this program while it is running, just double click
anywhere on the form or SSPanels.
This example demonstrates how to query Windows 95's registry for the
CPUUsage. It returns a number between 0 and 100. The example displays
the CPUUsage as 10 boxes (1 box of course, represents 10%). This example
also uses the SetWindowPos API function to set the form to the TOPMOST
position making it visible at all times.
You could add more code to check if another program is maximized and then
move the CPU form so that it doesn't cover the minimize, maximize or exit
buttons on a form.
If you wanted to permanently have the CPU form over far enough as to not
cover the control buttons of the form you could just change this line in
the form load event
Form1.Left = Screen.Width - Form1.Width
change to : Form1.Left = Screen.Width - (Form1.Width + 700)
The Timer interval is set to 500. You can change to be larger to make
the program not query the registry so often. However, I wouldn't change
it any lower than 500 because you must remember. Each time you query the
registry you are using a small percentage of the CPU. I tested this
program once with a timer interval of 0 and it maxed out the CPU. (not
exactly the desired effect.) 500 seems to work wonderfully.