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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 文件操作
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:929458 下载次数:5279  

代码说明: Pascal interpreter, text editor with syntax highlighting, run-time form designer, and more.... (over 30 components) R&A Library contains a number of components, classes and routines for Borland Delphi with full source code. This collection includes over 30 native Delphi components and special packages for run-time form designing. The most interesting parts of library are: - RAI2 - small pascal interpreter with many features; it allows to you to add script engine to any delphi application; - RAEditor - advanced text editor; RAHLEditor - based on RAEditor, it have built-in syntax highlighting feature for following syntax types: pascal, cpp, sql, java, htlm, phyton, perl, ini; custom reserved words also available. - R&A Form Designer - run-time form designer; - TRADBMove - can move data from one database to another with restoration references between tables; - and few other interesting components: TRAScrollMax - 3dmax-panel; TRAHtButton, RAHtListBox, TRAHtComboBox, TRAHtLabel - can paint captions and items with few font colors and styles, very easy to use, especially in run-time.


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