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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 文件操作
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:66517 下载次数:3714  

代码说明: The ShowMan utility was written to help you keep disk space under control. It does this by presenting a pie chart of what is on your hard disk or network drive, and allowing you to drill down into different subdirectories. In this way, you can quickly identify what is taking up most space on your hard disk, and decide what to delete. ShowMan is purely a read-only tool, quite deliberately it does not include any way of deleting files or folders. You could consider my WinTidy program for removing backup and other temporary files, or my Find Duplicates program for detecting and deleting duplicate files. ShowMan knows about hard disk cluster sizes, and will normally report the actual space occupied on the disk, rather than the nominal file size. In this way, the full penalty of having a large number of small files is clearly visible."


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