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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 文件操作
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:145494 下载次数:1873  

代码说明: Paranoia dictates that sometimes when we want a file deleted, we want it to stay deleted so that no one can remove our hard disks and find any magnetic remnents of files we have created and later deleted. Our government insists that three rewrites of the file are sufficient to destroy the image. ZapFile assumes the government standard is false and that it takes more to accomplish a total erasure of the file. ZapFile rewrites the file 100 times, saves it to disk each time, and finally deletes it. If this file can be accessed it should contain only chr(126) as readable characters. The original file is now forever erased and a disk reader will find only '~' characters on disk where the file used to be.. ′′


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