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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 系统控制
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:16311 下载次数:3269  

代码说明: This unit contains three classes for memory mapped files: TMapStream - A descendant of TStream encapsulating a memory-mapped file, with automatic mutexes for read/write access; TTextMap - A descendant of TMapStream adding text input and output routines and optional encryption; TRecordMap - A descendant of TMapStream adding i/o routines for record files and customizable file headers. This is an abstract class; descendants need to set the record size property in their constructors and override the ReadRec and WriteRec abstract methods. TMapStream is based on freeware code by David Spies, Dmitry Streblechenko and others; TTextMap uses code from the excellent Secrets of Delphi 2 by Ray Lischner and encryption code from Robert Jones's CodeBank.


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