Component providing detailed system information:
Registered organization, owner
Time Zone info
Machine name, IP address, MAC Address
Last boot date and time, Boot time
CPU architecture, type, active mask, count, level, revision, vendor, id, speed
OS version, build number, platform, CSD version, version name, user name, serial number, folders
Graphic adapter chip name, dac, memory, screen width and height, color depth, modes
Sound card name, WaveIn, WaveOut, MIDIIn, MIDIOut, AUX, Mixer device name
Memory info, allocation granularity, min.and max.application address
Disk info, file system, controllers
BIOS name, copyright, extended info, date
Video BIOS version and date
Network adapter, protocols, sevices, clients, Winsock info
BDE version, ODBC version
DirectX info
System, USB, PCMCIA, Infrared, Imaging devices
Win9x resources