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源代码 > Delphi代码 > 系统控制
发表日期:2003-10-10 12:00:00文件大小:22504 下载次数:3126  

代码说明: PBShareMap is an easy-to-use component that uses file-mapping to let 2 or more applications share a TStringList and thereby all variables that can be converted to text (use the Name=Value approach). Default property Values makes it easy to store and access variables. It is used like this: PBShareMap1['MyVar'] := MyVar; and accessing: MyVar := PBShareMap['MyVar']; The applications can be instances of the same application or different applications (each with PBShareMap component). Set 'AutoSynchronize' to true and changing the list in one application automatically updates the other(s). 'ExistsAlready' can be used to limit your application to one instance. Multiple PBShareMaps can be on one Form. Applist automatically holds the handles of all Owner-forms using the same map. Context-sensitive help is included.


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